建築情報学ゲスト講演 Nicolas Rogeau


会場:工学部11号館HASEKO-KUMA HALL map

Nicolas Rogeau

Dr. Nicolas Rogeau is Visiting Researcher at the Architectural Informatics Laboratory and Fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation. He previously worked at the laboratory for timber constructions (IBOIS) at EPFL, Lausanne, where he did his thesis on the robotic assembly of timber structures connected by wooden joints. He was also a researcher at the National Center of Competence in Research Digital Fabrication (NCCR DFAB) at EHTZ, Zurich, working on bespoke digital prefabrication. His research is characterized by a highly interdisciplinary approach combining architecture, mathematics, engineering, robotics, and computer science. His work focuses on the potential of digital tools to scale up sustainable construction practices. One of his achievement is the publication of Manis, an open-source tool to automate the design, fabrication, and assembly of timber structures, for which he was awarded the 2022 CAADRIA Award. Additionally, he is deeply engaged in architectural education having taught several courses and international workshops involving computational, collaborative, and circular design.

入場無料 予約不要 講演は英語ですが自動翻訳字幕を利用します なおオンライン視聴をご希望の方は下記にお問い合わせください。 
問い合わせ先: 建築情報学研究室 学術専門職員 ハージェイー・アラストゥー arastoo@arch1.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
