Public Interest Design
Symposium: Public Interest Design
A certain type of design practice called social design, public
interest design, or community design is rapidly growing. Even in the
field of architectural education, community engagement is becoming a
major concern.
Having Sergio Palleroni, a pioneer of public interest design who
brought community-based practice into architectural education, Ryo
Yamazaki, a leader of community design in Japan and Kengo Kuma,
Japanese leading architect, the emerging design practice with
community will be discussed in the symposium.
Date: April 16th, 2016, 5-8p.m. (Open 4:30p.m.)
Place: Lecture Hall 15, Engineer Building 1, the University of Tokyo
Hongo Campus
Language: The lecture by Prof. Palleroni is in English but the
symposium itself will be mainly in Japanese
– Sergio Palleroni (Director, Center for Public Interest Design /
Professor, Portland State University)
– Ryo Yamazaki (Director, Studio L / Professor, Tohoku University of
Art and Design)
– Kengo Kuma (Professor, the University of Tokyo)
– Akiko Okabe (Professor, the University of Tokyo)
– Tsuyoshi Seike (Professor, the University of Tokyo)