Shohei Miyata

Dr. Shohei Miyaya is a project lecturer (equivalent to a project assistant professor in Europe and U.S.) of the University of Tokyo. His project is Smart Building Research Initiative, which is organized by nine private entities to seek future smart buildings and develop their foundation and applications.
He earned his B.Eng. in 2015, M.Eng. in 2017 and Dr.Eng. in 2020 from The University of Tokyo. During his doctoral course, he was a research fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS DC1). After receiving his degree, he worked as an assistant professor in the Department of Architecture at UTokyo.
He specializes in HVAC systems and the built environment, and smart building systems.
He considers how to make the HVAC system in good condition during the operation of buildings. He tries to be aware of issues not only in terms of the HVAC system of a single building, but also in terms of multiple buildings and the power system as a whole including electricity grids. He is trying to solve the problems through system simulation, metadata modeling, and the use of various algorithms (deep learning, meta-heuristics, etc.).
His current research topics include fault detection and diagnosis of HVAC systems, control optimization considering renewable power generation, and metadata schema utilization. He has received several awards from the Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan (SHASE), and international conferences such as Asia Conference of IBPSA (ASim).
IBPSA (International Building Performance Simulation Association) Japan Chapter vice president