Shin Yamamoto (M.S., 2021), Shohei Miyata, Project Lecturer, and Yasunori Akashi, Professor, received the Outstanding paper of the year in 2023 from the Society of Heating, Air Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers in Japan
Shin Yamamoto (M.S., 2021), Shohei Miyata, Project Lecturer, and Yasunori Akashi, Professor, received the Outstanding paper of the year in 2023 (Academic Paper Division) from the Society of Heating, Air Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers in Japan for their paper “Energy-saving Effect of VAV・VWV・CO2 Concentration Control of Air Conditioning System Considering Automatic Control Logic and Parameters”.
SHASE Prizes 2023, the Society of Heating, Air Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers in Japan
The papers awarded