Koichi Kusunoki

KUSUNOKI, Koichi Associate Professor (ERI)
Earthquake Engineering, Reinforced Concrete, Structural Health Monitoring, Seismic Design, Field Survey
In our laboratory, experimental and analytical studies on seismic behavior of buildings, mainly reinforced concrete buildings are conducted. Static loading tests to investigate behaviors of structural members such as columns and beams, and dynamic or pseudo-dynamic loading tests are conducted to investigate dynamic behavior of whole structures. Several selected buildings are instrumented to measure their real vibration and to develop a structural health-monitoring system with the recorded data. Main topics of our laboratory are listed as below;
・Development of a new structural health-monitoring system
・Development and improvement of a performance-based seismic design methodology
・Renovation technique for existing old buildings
・Seismic behavior of reinforced and un-reinforced masonry buildings
・Seismic evaluation of wall type buildings