Matsuda Lab
Removing physical barriers to create an inclusive society
Research Theme
In this laboratory, we conduct research on how environments can reflect the needs of “minorities”. Today’s society in Japan is undergoing dramatic changes, symbolized by the rapid aging of the population and the declining birthrate. In these changes, those who have not been considered sufficiently in the past, such as people with disabilities, the elderlies, and people who have difficulties in their lives for some reason, have become important. We aim to clarify these diversifying user images, redefine the requirements for the environment, and clarify the architectural plans required for various facilities and cities.
Residential environment for people with disabilities
We conduct questionnaire surveys, interview surveys, and observation surveys of “facilities for persons with disabilities” and “group homes for persons with disabilities” where people with intellectual, mental, and physical disabilities live to clarify the characteristics and architectural needs of the residents.
重度障害者グループホームやじろべえの食事風景 Meal scene at Yajirobe, a group home for the persons with disabilities 障害者支援施設むとべ翠光園の外観 Exterior view of Mutobe Suikoen, a support facility for persons with disabilities
Local safety net
We research the roles and issues of local safety nets. The targets are “residential support corporations” that support people who need assistance in living, such as the elderly, low-income earners, and people with disabilities, and “nursing homes for the elderly” that support people with complex difficulties, such as living in poverty, disabilities, and dementia.
図:居住支援法人の役割 Role of residential support corporation 養護老人ホームの共用部 Common area of a nursing home for the elderly
Universal design
We study how spaces can meet various users’ needs, such as the required spaces for outing and rest for people with visual impairment, methods of environmental improvement for students with disabilities on university campuses, and accessibility of sports facilities.
東大赤門前の視覚障害者誘導用ブロック墨出しの様子 Marking out tactile tiles in front of the UTokyo Red Gate 東大赤門前の視覚障害者誘導用ブロック敷設後 After laying tactile tiles in front of the University of Tokyo Red Gate