[Thu. 13 Feb.]Architectural Informatics Guest Lecture 16:Russell Loveridge

Digital Fabrication – The 3 Towers
Russell Loveridge
Date and time: February 13 (Thursday), 2025 18:30~20:00
Venue: HASEKO KUMA HALL, Faculty of Engineering Building 11 map
Host: Yasushi Ikeda Architectural Informatics Research Lab.
Over the past decade investigations in Digital Fabrication have progressed from being “avant-guard” research into steady-state development field strongly present in both academics and industry. In this lecture Dr. Russell Loveridge will introduce the Swiss NCCR Digital Fabrication, discuss its history of highly interdisciplinary research innovation, and will discuss the next topics and focus for research in Architecture, Engineers and Construction. To illustrate these points the presentation will focus on three tower projects which demonstrate this emergence of research from idea, through digital and fabricated prototypes, to the development of real-world projects with partners from industry.
Russell Loveridge is Managing Director of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) in Digital Fabrication. He studied civil engineering and architecture, completed his professional degree in Toronto, his MAS Diploma in Architecture at the ETH Zurich, and obtained his doctorate at the EPF Lausanne Switzerland. He has worked professionally in construction and architecture but also has extensive experience academics and was previously the Research Director at the Laboratory for Architectural Production (LAPA). His research investigates advanced fabrication methods, smart materials, and novel construction techniques all with a specific interest on how these emerging technologies affect processes of sustainable design. Since its inception in 2014 Russell has coordinated the NCCR’s multi-disciplinary team of over 120 researchers, engineers and technical staff, helping to develop one of the most advanced multi-disciplinary research consortiums worldwide that focus on changing the way we design and build.
Admission free, no reservation required. Lecture will be in English. Please contact the following address if you would like to watch the seminar online. Contact: Architectural Informatics Lab. arastoo@arch1.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp