University of Tokyo – Department of Architecture

Architectural Informatics Guest Lecture Marjan Colletti

Architectural Informatics Guest Lecture 6

Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Semester A, 2022 Master Design Program
Architectural Informatics Ikeda Studio Guest Review

Date and time: March 5(Sun.) 2023 19:00~20:30
Venue: HASEKO-KUMA HALL, Faculty of Engineering Building 11 map
Admission free, no reservation required
Online streaming link:

Dr. Marjan Colletti is Professor of Building Technology and of Postdigital Practice (first world-wide). Academic achievements include: co-directing the Architecture MArch at The Bartlett UCL, founding REX|LAB and chairing the Institute for Experimental Architecture at Innsbruck University since 2013, guest-professorships in US and EU, scientific peer-reviewing in EU, GB, CH, USA, UAE, AUS, CA, RU, 85+ international exhibitions, a plethora of coherent international publications and lectures on contemporary design-research and research-led education.

Tthis is a joint project with Architectural Informatics Society. It will be posted on Youtube as part of the keynote session at Annual Conference week.

Organized by:
Architectural Informatics Society and Endowed Chair in Building Construction Management Architectural Informatics – Yasushi Ikeda Laboratory

Contact: Architectural Informatics Society