University of Tokyo - Department of Architecture

Chile-Japan WS “Sustainable Wood Architecture”

チリ・日本国交樹立125周年を記念し、二国間学術文化交流ワークショップ「Sustainable Wood Architecture」を2022年9月末~12月に行います。東京大学工学部建築学科とチリ大学建築学科が共同して、設計スタジオと連続講義をオンラインで開催します。Opening Eventにおいて概要を説明しますのでご参加ください。時差の関係から、日本は朝・チリは夜の実施になります(下記の日時は全て日本時間)。 Flyer

□ Opening Event
・日時:9/30(金) 8:00~9:30AM
  Ricardo ROJAS(在日チリ大使)
  Rosa DEVÉS(チリ大学学長)
趣旨説明: 藤田香織
記念講演:「Contemporary Design in Wood Architecture」安原幹、Tomás Villalón

□ 連続講義
・日時:10月、毎週金曜日 8:00~9:45AM
 10/7(金):Wood, Timber and Sustainability (松村秀一・Massimiliano Farris)
 10/14(金):Traditional Wood Architecture (海野聡・Lorenzo Berg)
 10/21(金):Seismic Design for Wood Construction (佐藤淳・Gabriela Munoz)
 10/28(金):Advanced Wood Construction (藤田香織・Gabriel Felmer)

□ 合同スタジオ設計課題
・タイトル: Sustainable Wood Architecture, Facilities/ Infrastructure for Living Together
・スケジュール: 毎週火曜 13:30〜 :エスキス(東大内対面で実施)
11/4(金) 8:00〜:中間講評会(チリ大学と合同)
12/9(金) 8:00〜:最終講評会(チリ大学と合同)

□ Closure Event
・内容: 設計課題の優秀者発表
 記念講演:Wood Design and Construction in the 21st Century, 岡部明子、Alastar Aguilera, Pablo Schmidt

Organizing Committee

Binational Academic-Cultural Workshop on Sustainable Wood Architecture is scheduled from the end of September to December to celebrate the 125th anniversary of diplomatic relation between Chile and Japan. This workshop consist of studio design program, serial lectures and relating events prepared by the collaboration of Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, The University of Chile and the Department of Architecture, The University of Tokyo. The outline of the WS will be explained at the opening event.
Due to the time difference between the two countries, the lectures and events will take place in the early morning in Japan (the time written below are all Japan time).

Please refer the following page for URL and detail information. (g.ecc acount only)