Chiba LabConstruct a new design theory derived from the relationship between the urban space and the natural environment
Mitani LabAn inquiry is what the ‘form’ that creates the landscape is. Landscape design studies to create a place for people through a profound understanding of landscape dynamics in the interaction between people and nature, social and ecological processes.
Obuchi Lab (G30)Interdisciplinary design research connecting architecture, engineering, and computations to explore the emerging discourses on architecture and urbanism
Yasuhara LabDevelop new spaces and design methods, through observation of social change.
Itoi LabPromote natural disaster risk management by integrating science, technology and society to realize an evolving society that continues learning from disaster risk.
Jun Sato Lab建築構成材デザイン工学 (AGC旭硝子) 寄付講座
Steel Structure Lab (Yamada & Iyama)Building a more resilient steel structure
Tajiri LabBy upgrading and rationalizing the earthquake-resistant design of buildings, we will realize a safer and more secure society.
Building Material Lab – Noguchi LabManufacturing and Material Development – Based on “Architectural Genetics”
Maruyama LabContribution to the carbon neutral and sustainable architectural buildings and construction industries though material science and structural engineering
Yoshioka Lab建築防火工学、都市防火を専門として、火災安全を工学的に研究しています。以下に例を挙げますが、これら以外で、防火全般や、火災時の避難安全に関係するテーマ等についても随時取り組めます。
Akashi LabUpgrade the built environment and energy system of buildings and Optimize services for human and society
Mae LabFind technology and design methods required for future housing, aiming for sustainable architecture that delivers neither cold nor hot and healthy and comfortable living to all people at the lowest energy cost forever.
Miyata Lab.Exploring new value in architecture by developing fundamental and applied smart technologies
Sakuma LabSupport life, society and culture with “Sound”
Taniguchi Lab様々な技術の発展に伴い、建築物の形態は多様化し、外皮デザインは複雑化し、そして設備システムは高度化しています。