Lecture Ahmed & Rashid bin Shabib from Osaka 1970 to Dubai 2020

現在銀座のアトリエMUJIで「New Circulation」展が開催中のAhmed & Rashid bin Shabibさんのレクチャーとオープントークを、12月17日(火)夜に東京大学本郷キャンパスで開催することになりました。アラブ独特の世界観と意外な歴史、万博がつなぐ建築観と都市計画について議論を行いますので、ぜひご参加ください!

Ahmed & Rashid Bin Shabibさんは、ドバイ在住の双子の都市研究者。日本のモダニズムやメタボリズムにも造詣が深く、丹下をはじめとした日本の建築家のアラブ世界での影響や今に続く流れ、その独特の都市形成の歴史や価値観について、銀座の展示も意識しつつお話を伺います。

We will be hosting a special evening lecture for the Department of Architecture on the December 17th (Tuesday). Ahmed & Rashid Bin Shabib, famous twin urban researchers based in Dubai, are deeply knowledgeable about Japanese modernism and metabolism movement. They will discuss the influence of Japanese architects, such as Tange, in the Arab world, as well as the ongoing legacy and the unique history and values of urban formation in Japan, while keeping an eye on their Ginza exhibition. The lecture and after-talk will be conducted in English. The event will take place in the 3rd-floor critique room of Engineering Building 1 at Hongo Campus, so please invite your friends and join!



*No advance registration is required, so please come to the site on the day of the event.