“Four Facets of Contemporary Japanese Architecture: Theory” Wins the Prize of AIJ for Education Award

Free Online Course “FOUR FACETS OF CONTEMPORARY JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE: Theory “ won the Prize of AIJ (Architectural Institute of Japan) for Education Award for Outstanding Practice.

Recipient: Kengo Kuma, Yusuke Obudhi, Toshihiko Kiuchi, Hiromoto Oka

Architectural Institute of Japan URL: https://www.aij.or.jp/eng/prizes/prize/prize18.html
Course Page URL: https://www.edx.org/course/four-facets-contemporary-japanese-utokyox-utokyo004x
T—ADS URL: http://t-ads.org/mooc/free-online-course-four-facets-of-japanese-contemporary-architecture-theory.html
